Resources for Financial Advisors

Rising Dividend portfolio information for serving your clients

Advisor Resources

Fact Sheet
Core Rising Dividend SMA Fact Sheet

The Dearborn Partners Core Rising Dividend separately managed account portfolio invests in companies diversified across numerous sectors, which offer the potential for a yield greater than that offered by the S&P 500, plus the potential for at least mid to high single digit annual dividend growth. Our objective is to identify companies that are likely to raise their dividends with regularity over time.

Fact Sheet
High & Rising Dividend SMA Fact Sheet

The Dearborn Partners High & Rising Dividend separately managed account portfolio invests in companies diversified across numerous sectors, which offer the potential for a yield greater than that offered by the S&P 500, plus the potential for mid single digit annual dividend growth. Our objective is to identify companies that are likely to raise their dividends with regularity over time. The combination of a current yield greater than the S&P 500 plus the potential for dividend increases offers.

Core Rising Dividend Commentary

Please see our latest Commentary for our Core Rising Dividend portfolio.

High & Rising Dividend Commentary

Please see our latest Commentary for our High & Rising Dividend portfolio.

Dividend Income Report
High & Rising Dividend SMA Income Report

For the hypothetical income generated by a $200,000 investment in our High & Rising Dividend Separately Managed Account (SMA) Portfolio, please click “download”.

Dividend Income Report
Core Rising Dividend SMA Income Report

For the hypothetical income generated by a $200,000 investment in our Core Rising Dividend Separately Managed Account (SMA) Portfolio, please click "download".

Dividend Income Report
Rising Dividend SMA Income Report

For the hypothetical income generated by a $200,000 investment in one of our Rising Dividend Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs), please click "download".

Fact Sheet
Concentrated Balanced Income 60/40 SMA Portfolio Fact Sheet

The Dearborn Partners Concentrated Balanced Income 60/40 Portfolio is designed for clients seeking the potential for rising income with the decreased portfolio risk and volatility historically attributed to adding fixed income to all-equity portfolios.

Fact Sheet
Balanced Income 60/40 SMA Portfolio Fact Sheet

The Dearborn Partners Balanced Income Portfolios are designed for clients seeking the potential for rising income with the decreased portfolio risk and volatility historically attributed to adding fixed income to all-equity portfolios.

Fact Sheet
Multi-Asset SMA Fact Sheet

The Dearborn Partners Multi-Asset Separately Managed Account (SMA) provides three main benefits: a focus on generating above-average current income, emphasizing growth of income primarily through stocks of companies with dividend growth potential, and a go-anywhere asset allocation while still targeting a relatively low turnover rate.

Fact Sheet
Concentrated Balanced Income 80/20 SMA Portfolio Fact Sheet

The Dearborn Partners Concentrated Balanced Income 80/20 Portfolio is designed for clients seeking the potential for rising income with the decreased portfolio risk and volatility historically attributed to adding fixed income to all-equity portfolios.

Fact Sheet
Balanced Income 80/20 SMA Portfolio Fact Sheet

The Dearborn Partners Balanced Income Portfolios are designed for clients seeking the potential for rising income with the decreased portfolio risk and volatility historically attributed to adding fixed income to all-equity portfolios.

Multi-Asset SMA Commentary

For our commentary on the quarter ending December 31, 2024, please click “download”.

Rising Dividend Mutual Fund

Dearborn Partners offers a Rising Dividend Mutual Fund.

Learn More  

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